January 19, 2014


Hello cuties! A little bit of tumblr inspiration from my tumblr's blog: Strawberry Soul Hope that you like it;) In it you can find the pictures I reblog from my favourite blogs and I guess that reveals somehow a little bit of my personality... here you have the images, they're amazing.

P.S: Have you already liked my facebook page? Make sure to do it, you'll be updated and you'll see some content unpublished on the blog!:)

P.S2: Make sure to visit my tumblr since there are some gifs and collages that blogger doesn't let me publish and are for sure so cool!

Hola monadas! Un poquito de inspiración tumblr de mi blog tumblr: Strawberry Soul Espero que os guste;) En él podéis encontrar las fotos que "reblogeo" de los blogs que me gustan y que, supongo que de alguna manera dan a conocer una parte de mi y de mi estilo... os dejo con las imágenes, realmente son preciosas.

P.D: Habéis puesto like a mi página de facebook? Aseguraos de hacerlo porque estaréis al dia con las actualizaciones y podréis disfrutar de contenido extra!:)

P.D2: Aseguraros de visitar el tumblr porque hay gifs y imágenes compuestas que no puedo publicar a través de blogger y que son geniales también!



-They sure are, anyways SHOWERS in general are pure loveeee-

-There's also place for cute boys ^^-

May or may not be my all time favourite fruit/food...

-You can find inspiration quotes all over my tumblr... they'll make you feel powerful!-

-There's also space for humor sense, haha-

True beauty never goes away...

-Cool fact, isn't it?-

surfsurfsurfsurfsurf... daydreamin'

-Ariel is my favourite princess ever, don't you think she's a sweetheart?-

-Serious #foodporn going on here... hungryyyyy-

-I guess some people won't like the history of art summed up this way, but for me it's funny and helpful:)-

-Feeling an incredible urge to try out surfing, didn't you notice?;)-

-I thought it was a nice combination of Munch's paint with 21st century smileys-

-Because women are strong, and they can be intelligent and sexy at the same time-

Love, Janira x

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