May 31, 2014


-Picture by my dearest friend Mireia Mora (more to come...!)-

Sometimes people ask me how can they follow my blog, and since I don't know in a decent way how does Google + works I have my own methods (planning on doing an intensive research on how to promote my blog this upocoming weeks when school is over!). 


You can also follow my tumblr (which is completely different from my blog and I reblog amazing stuff daily) STRAWBERRY-SOUL

You can check out my instagram for more personal pictures: @janiraplanes

And I'll find more ways for sure! ;) (Also you can click in the right side of the screen and find a place where you can see my profile and follow this blog)

And of course... Thank you so, so, so much for reading and don't be shy and comment! Xoxoxoxox

P.D:Wish me luck! Exams are coming! (btw good luck to everyone who's on exams,yes we can!)

Love, Janira x

May 21, 2014


NEW ETV PROGRAMS! Time flies and here you have the two lastests editions of the program (rember that my part starts aprox. at the min 20) 

NUEVOS PROGRAMAS DE ETV! El tiempo pasa rapidísimo y ya tenéis aquí dos ediciones más del programa (recordad que mi parte empieza aprox. en el minuto 20)

NOUS PROGRAMES D'ETV! El temps vola i ja teniu aquí dues edicions més del programa (recordeu que la meva part comença aprox. a partir del minut 20)

Love, Janira x

May 20, 2014


(written on friday)-So as an inspiration today I'm going to share w/ you one of my greatest passions besides fashion, which is without doubt DESIGN! This post is focused on interior design as well as some beautiful exteriors. Check it out and tell me what you think about it! 

P.S: Plus I am so so so excited for next school year to begin since I am going to have design as a school subject! Yeyyy (and I've just decided it this morning since I didn't knew that it existed... poor me I was going to choose spanish literature (wow so cool cervantes is so fun, right?) Thanks God some superpower from heaven illuminated me and I realized that I could do Design! haha) 

P.S.2: Don't get me wrong I looove to read but, seriously I think that some school books are quite boring... don't you?

What are you going to see... amazing interior plus some exterior places which keep me inspired and motivated! If only I could have some money and buy a house and decorate it all by myself... one day someday! (definitely yeeeeees!) 

Kisses! Are them your style, or do you like other kinds of decoration (like more gipsy/hippie like, or more minimalist, or more rococo?) 

Love, Janira x